
Pursuing MS in Data Science at the University of California, San Diego. With a diverse skill set in programming languages such as Python, C/C++, and Scala, alongside expertise in technologies like Spark, Pytorch, TensorFlow, Django, and AWS, I thrive at the intersection of software development and data science. My professional experiences span across leading tech companies like LinkedIn and innovative startups, where I have consistently delivered impactful solutions, from developing high-performance data dashboards to optimizing machine learning models.


No! It is not the usual childhood👶love for technology🖥. It is the only thing I am good at.
I love to explore and was curious about tech products ever since iPad was introduced to me.
Rest is history. Every step🚶‍♂️ from there on was to understand what goes on behind the scenes.

while (!iPad) {
	// enjoy!!
// start coding.


June 2024 - September 2024

I am a Data Engineer, Data Science intern at LinkedIn. I developed a data pipeline to ingest data from multiple sources and built a single source of truth for data usage of approximately 9.5M+ datasets at LinkedIn. Designed a dashboard on top that led to 99% reduction in time taken to monitor data during change management and migrations. This will save at least ~700 work hours per year.

University of Toronto

May 2022 - August 2022

I was awarded the fully-funded MITACS Globallink Research Internship 2022. Under the guidance of Prof. Andrew Petersen , I did my summer research internship in Toronto, Canada. We built a system to reduce redundant posts on Q&A platform, Piazza.


January 2021 - June 2023

The curiosity to learn about Natural Language Processing led me join PreCog. I have worked on multiple projects throughout my time there leading to tangible outcomes. My publications are at:


Research has been an integeral part of my college life. My dip test into research was in January 2021 as part of PreCog .

Website Development

First encounter with coding was via building basic HTML/CSS websites. This led to frameworks like Angular.js and React.js . The one in the background is hosted here.


Oct 2020 - May 2022

This was the first large scale website I ever built. Tech stack I used was Django, PostgresSql and . We also integrated PayPal for our payments. You can visit this fantastic website from here.


I joined MIDAS lab as a website developer. I developed the backend for an Achievements webapp on Django. Internally hosted on IIIT Delhi servers.


Want to connect or collaborate?
Hit me up!